
Sigmund Freud

"A dream," said Freud, "can set you free,
Exposing truths within your mind
That your conscience just can't find.
But still my own dreams puzzle me,
For since I made this theory,
I can't figure what it means
To dream about a hill of beans."

by Bob Lorentson

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Despite not having an MFA, Bob Lorentson persists in writing. When not writing he likes to indulge in his passion for wondering. He is a wonderful wonderer who wonders about nearly everything, including why he would write this silly bio when he could be wondering why he can't find a publisher for his novels. Recent stories and poems however have found homes or are in the adoption process at Sleet, Praxis, Better Than Starbucks, Leaves of Ink, and Quinnehtukqut. He lives in rural Connecticut.