Dear readers, writers, and random internet stumblers,

Unfortunately I plan to stop posting new content to the Parody website. The good news is that you can continue to enjoy the historical records for as long as the internet shall live (and I promise to finish transferring the full archives to the updated URL!).

You can also purchase print copies to squirrel away in the event that The Simplification comes around destroying such lovely artwork and knowledge as contained herein.

Thanks for 8 years of fun,

The Haikooligan

Sharing the physical archives!

By the way, do you happen to know of a middle or high school teacher who would appreciate the complete set of Parody (volumes 1.1 through 6.2)? I'm happy to offer them for free! Doubly so if you're willing to help cover some of the cost of mailing with a donation of $5 - $10.

Send me the name and address (preferably the school's address) so I can prepare the poetry care package. Don't give your teacher apples, give them poetry!